In Traditional Oriental Medicine, the nose is considered the window to the lungs. When exterior pathogens attack the nose, the window is stuck closed, the lung Qi can not moving smoothly. In this case, we need to clear the exterior pathogens, soothe the lung Qi and open the orifices.
The people with chronic seasonal allergies and sinus problems are considered different from those with simple nasal congestion. They suffer from both internal and external conditions. External is environmental change, internal often shows that the defense Qi is deficient, possibly together with other deficiencies. We need to strengthen the internal and build defense Qi.
Here, we’ll discuss some tried-and-true Chinese medicine formulas.
Wind-Cold Stack at Window of the Lungs
Jing Fang Bai Du San -荆 防 败 毒 散 – Schizonepeta and Ledebouriella Powder to Overcome Pathogenic Influences
This is the Chinese Ming dynasty formula (1550AD). It used when wind-cold exterior pathogens attack the window of the lungs, nasal congestion, and clear, thin, profuse nasal discharge. It may also be beneficial for other cold symptoms, like chills, fever, headache, body ache.”
Gui Zhi Tang – 桂 枝 汤 – Cinnamon Twig Decoction
This classic Chinese herbal formula has been used since the Chinese Eastern Han dynasty (25-220 AD). Gui Zhi Tang is applicable to common wind-cold with exterior deficiency. The main symptoms are low fever, slight sweating, headache, and aversion to wind. For seasonal allergy we often use this formula for stuffy and itch nose, sneezing, nose running with clear, watery discharge.
Ingredients: Gui Zhi (Cinnamon twig), Shao Yao (Peony root), Zhi Gan Cao (Licorice), Sheng Jiang (fresh ginger), Da Zao (Jujube).
Bi Min Gan Wan – 鼻 敏 感 丸 – Nose Sensitive Pill /Breathe Natural
This is a very simple herbal pill that is very helpful for nose congestion, sniffles. It may also be used for runny nose and headache. Ingredients: Cang Er Zi (Xanthium fruit), Xin Yi Hua (Magnolia flower), Fang Feng (Siler), Bai Zhi (Dahurican Angelica root).
Wind-Heat Stack at Window of the Lungs
Cang Er Zi San – 苍 耳 子 散 – Xanthuum Powder
This is a Chinese Song dynasty (1253AD) formula. It is used to unblock the nasal passages. It’s used for conditions like profuse nasal discharge, nasal congestion, yellow, thick mucus. It may be beneficial for other heat symptoms, like fever, chills, headache, sore throat, cough, not much phlegm.
Bi Yan Pian – 鼻 炎 片 – Nose Inflammation Tablets
This is a common, effective formula used to treat acute and chronic rhinitis, nasal sinusitis, especially for hay fever. Possible symptoms are runny nose with a thick yellowish discharge, foul-smelling, and frontal headache. Ingredients: Cang Er Zi (Xanthium fruit), Xin Yi Hua (Magnolia flower), Gan Cao (Licorice), Huang Bai (Cortex Phellodendri), Jie Geng (Platycodon), Jing Jie (Schizonepeta stem and bud), Fang Feng (Siler), Wu Wei Zi (Schisandra fruit), Bai Zhi (Angelica root), Zhi Mu (Anemarrhena Rhizome), Ye Ju Hua (Wild Chrysanthemum), Lian Qiao (Forsythia Fruit). Hua Fen Bi Ming Gan Cong Ji – 花 粉 鼻 敏 感 冲 剂 – Pollen Allergy Instant Tea This herbal tea made for seasonal allergy with sinus congestion, running nose with yellow, thick mucus. It may be beneficial to alleviate headaches. Ingredients: Cang Er Zi (Xanthium fruit), Xin Yi Hua (Magnolia flower), Huo Xiang (Pogostemon), Ju Hua (Chrysanthemum), Jin Yin Hua (Lonicera flower), Bai Zhi (Dahurican Angelica root).
Hua Fen Bi Ming Gan Cha – 花 粉 鼻 敏 感 茶 – Breathe Right Naturally Herb Tea
This herbal tea is helpful for sinus congestion with sticky mucus. Also it soothes the energy not stock on the upper part of the body, and lets energy smoothly go down. Ingredients: Huang Qin (Skullcap Root), Bo He (Mint), Cang Er Zi (Xanthium fruit), Xin Yi Hua (Magnolia flower), Zi Su Ye (Perilla leaf), Gan Cao (Licorice), Luo Han Guo (Momordica fruit), Ju Hua (Chrysanthemum Flower), Fang Feng (Siler).
Internal Supporting Formulas
Yu Fing Fen San – 玉 屏 风 散 – Jade Windscreen Powder
This formula has been used in China since 1443 AD. It’s used for a person to get cold easily, spontaneous sweating, sensitive to any seasoning change. This formula likes a jade windscreen to protect you.
Ingredients: Hung qi (Astragalus membranaceous), Fang Feng (Saposhnikovia Divaricata), Bai Shu (Atractylodes Macrocephala), Wu Wei Zi (Schisandra Chinensis), Tai Zi Shen (Peudostellaria Heterophylla), Nuo Dao Gen (Oryza Sativa)
Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang – 补 中 益 气 汤 -Tonify the Middle and Augment the Qi Decoction
This herbal formula is from the Chinese Jin dynasty (1115-1234AD). In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Middle Qi is stomach and spleen which is the digestive function. When middle Qi deficient, the person more likely has an allergy, hay fever, shortness of breath. Originally we use this formula for poor digestion, loose stool, tiredness, thirsty with a preference for a warm drink(warm drink help the middle Qi), intermittent fever, spontaneous sweating, aversion to cold If middle Qi is very weak, prolapsed rectum or uterus can happen.
Ingredients: Astralagus Root, Chinese Licorice Root, Tangerine (dried rind of mature fruit), Bai-zhu atractylodes Rhizome, Bupleurum Root, Condonopsis Root, Jujube Fruit, fresh Ginger Rhizome.
Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan – 金 匮 肾 气 丸 – Kidney Qi Pill from the Golden Cabinet
This is a very classic traditional Chinese herbal formula that has been used since 25-220AD (Chinese Eastern Han dynasty). Originally it’s for kidney Qi deficiency with weakness of the low back and knees, a cold sensation in the lower part of the body, tenseness in the lower abdomen, or either difficult or frequent urination, or edema. When chronic allergy or sinus with Kidney Qi deficient sign, we use this formula.
Ingredients: Rehmannia Root, Common Yam Rhizome, Cornus Officinalis Fruit, Poria Cocos, Tree Peony Bark, Oriental Water plantain Tuber, Cassia Twig, Twotooth Achyranthes Root.